Full disclosure: I don't make ALL of Nora's food. I thought I needed to tell you that before I give you the wrong idea! I have never milled rice cereal or oatmeal. I really like the Happy Bellies brand brown rice cereal and oatmeal. Now that Nora is older, I give her Cheerios when she is having a particularily fussy mealtime. I've never gotten behind puffs, they don't have enough substance for my liking. I also occasionally give her yogurt melts as a special treat. When we're on the road, I use pouch foods, again my favorite being the Happy Baby brand and Ella's Kitchen. They make meals so easy! I'll also take a pouch with me if we go out to dinner. But, by making MOST of Nora's food, I save enough to splurge on the more expensive higher quality pouch food. Whew! I feel better!
If you are new to feeding your baby solids, remember to use the 3 day rule. Offer the same food for 3 days, and watch for signs of allergy. Signs of allergy can be sudden diaper rash, swelling, hives, shortness of breath. Thankfully Nora hasn't been allergic to anything I've giver her!
I thought I'd start you out with a few no-cook purees. I came up with these names myself, thank you!
Banana Rama Ding-Dong
1 ripe banana
Break banana up into chunks and place it in a blender. Add 1 Tbsp. of water and blend. Add more water as needed to make a smooth puree.
For Nora, I just mash it up with a fork now, no need to puree! Easy peasy!
*A word about nutrition: Bananas are sooo good for baby, high in potassium and very filling! But, too much banana can constipate baby early on, so be sure to serve with sometime gentle, like oatmeal.
Awesome Avocado
1 ripe avocado
Half avocado, and remove pit and skin. Slice into chunks and place in the blender. Add 1 Tbsp. of water and blend. Add more water as needed to make a smooth puree.
Can also be mashed with a fork!
Avocado is a wonderful FIRST puree for baby! It is incredibly easy to digest, and freezes well. Go ahead and freeze your extra puree imediatly, as it will oxidize and will not look tasty.
Ahhh yeah! You can mix your two easy no-cook purees together for a tasty and easy to digest meal for baby! After you've checked for allergy, of course!
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