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Friday, March 30, 2012

Side Bar: Waste not, want not!

I've decided to interrupt my regularly scheduled program to discuss a topic very dear to my heart. And that is wasting food. I'm not great about this, recently on a fridge clean out, I threw away what seemed like a mountain of food! When I was in college, I spent a summer working at a little cafe in Birmingham. It was privately owned, not a chain, and it even had a culinary school trained chef. One thing that she taught me was to use EVERYTHING, if you can. For example, we would roast chickens on a daily basis. We used the breast meat for chicken salad, the dark meat for soups/stews, and we would even use the bones/undesirable meat to flavor homemade chicken stock.

Today, I'm going to tell you how to do this with a store bought rotisserie chicken! I do have a couple of free range, organic roasters in my freezer, just waiting to be cooked, but that requires some planning, and I usually buy a rotisserie chicken about once a month when I haven't planned dinner!

Day 1/Meal 1: Rotisserie Chicken Breasts with Mashed Potatoes and Salad. I think you can figure out how to put this one together on your own ;). Go ahead and pull the rest of meal off the bones and put it in a tupperware container, in the fridge. Put the carcass (terrible word, sorry I had to use it!) in a big zip loc bag in the fridge.

Day 2/Meal 2: Chicken Salad! I had to improvise a little with this one...but there is not a thing wrong with using what you have in your fridge/pantry! Especially when you're just fixing it for yourself.

My Chicken Salad looked like this:
1 c. diced leftover Chicken breast, and some dark meat (which I don't love)
1 rib celery, chopped
2 strawberries (I usually use grapes, but I'm using what I had!)
1/2 c. golden raisins
1/2 c. nonfat greek yogurt (traditionally mayo, but I didn't want the calories)
salt & pepper to taste

Day 2 & beyond!: Homemade Chicken Stock!!!
I'm going to share with you a method, not a recipe for this one. Really because I don't have a recipe!

Step 1: Veggies- In a large stockpot, I put in about 4 ribs of celery, cut in half. 1 cup or baby carrots and 1 onion quartered. This is a good combo of veggies to use in stock, but don't sweat it if you don't have them. Use what you got! If you have some fresh thyme or rosemary, bundle it with kitchen twine and throw that in too!

Step 2: Place your carcass (mine still had some good meat on it!) on top of the veg and cover with water.

Step 3: Boil, and then simmer...we're talking about 2 hours. You want your whole house to smell like chicken noodle soup!

A word - your liquid will reduce, you may need to add more water, just keep an eye on it!

Step 4: Take out the stuff. I set aside some of the cooked carrots, celery, and good meat. After you've taken out the bulk of your the food stuff, strain the broth through a fine mesh sieve into a 8 cup pyrex (if you have one).

Step 5: Mine yielded about 4 cups of very concentrated I added 4 cups of water to make 8 cups! Cover with saran wrap and put it in the fridge - OVERNIGHT!

Step 6: After your stock has been in the fridge overnight, the fat will rise to the top and you can skim it off with a spoon. I then stored my stock in 2 cup portion sizes in freezer bags. Lay it flat in the freezer to freeze!

There you have it! 8 cups of homemade stock!

Now...remember the cooked celery, carrots, and chicken we set aside? We're not wasting a thing, right? I threw it in the blender with some water and made my own Chicken Dinner Puree for Nora. SHE LOVED IT!!!!

Now, go try it out!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Making Your Baby's Meals: Let's Get it Started, Ha!

Full disclosure: I don't make ALL of Nora's food. I thought I needed to tell you that before I give you the wrong idea! I have never milled rice cereal or oatmeal. I really like the Happy Bellies brand brown rice cereal and oatmeal. Now that Nora is older, I give her Cheerios when she is having a particularily fussy mealtime. I've never gotten behind puffs, they don't have enough substance for my liking. I also occasionally give her yogurt melts as a special treat. When we're on the road, I use pouch foods, again my favorite being the Happy Baby brand and Ella's Kitchen. They make meals so easy! I'll also take a pouch with me if we go out to dinner. But, by making MOST of Nora's food, I save enough to splurge on the more expensive higher quality pouch food. Whew! I feel better!

If you are new to feeding your baby solids, remember to use the 3 day rule. Offer the same food for 3 days, and watch for signs of allergy. Signs of allergy can be sudden diaper rash, swelling, hives, shortness of breath. Thankfully Nora hasn't been allergic to anything I've giver her!

I thought I'd start you out with a few no-cook purees. I came up with these names myself, thank you!

Banana Rama Ding-Dong

1 ripe banana

Break banana up into chunks and place it in a blender. Add 1 Tbsp. of water and blend. Add more water as needed to make a smooth puree.

For Nora, I just mash it up with a fork now, no need to puree! Easy peasy!

*A word about nutrition: Bananas are sooo good for baby, high in potassium and very filling! But, too much banana can constipate baby early on, so be sure to serve with sometime gentle, like oatmeal.

Awesome Avocado

1 ripe avocado

Half avocado, and remove pit and skin. Slice into chunks and place in the blender. Add 1 Tbsp. of water and blend. Add more water as needed to make a smooth puree.

Can also be mashed with a fork!

Avocado is a wonderful FIRST puree for baby! It is incredibly easy to digest, and freezes well. Go ahead and freeze your extra puree imediatly, as it will oxidize and will not look tasty.


Ahhh yeah! You can mix your two easy no-cook purees together for a tasty and easy to digest meal for baby! After you've checked for allergy, of course!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Making Your Baby's Meals: What You Need

So, you've figured out your WHY and have decided to continue on this endeavor of making your baby's meals. I'm so excited for you! I hope you have as much as I do making Nora's meals!

There are really only a few things that you need to get started.

1. Your blender
2. Covered Ice Cube trays
3. Fresh storage containers
4. A Cookbook. My favorite is The Best Homemade Baby Food on the Planet

Now lets go through your materials!

1. Your Blender. You absolutely, positively do not need to buy a specialized appliance for making baby food! Purees are nothing new, and your blender is perfectly capable of handling them. Beware of the Baby Bullet. I bought one a few months before I needed to start cooking for Nora. It comes with some great accessories, cute storage containers, a silicone freezer tray, a little cookbook. But, after few months of using the bullet, it began to leak terribly, and make a big mess every time I used it, which was daily. That, and it is NOT dishwasher safe. This mommy does not have time to hand wash everything! If you already have a Magic Bullet, it will do the job just fine. I started using my Kitchenaid blender after my Baby Bullet kicked the bucket. It takes up a little more space than I would like on my counter top, but it works beautifully!

2. Ice Cube Trays. Batch cooking is the way to go when making baby food! After you've made a batch, you'll need to freeze most of it. Ice cube trays are great, in that they will divide your food into perfect 1 ounce portions. And, they will thaw quickly in the fridge (or in the microwave, if you're in a rush!) Do a quick search on Amazon for Baby Food Storage, and all kinds of options will come up.

3. Fresh Food storage containers. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using your tupperware for this, but if you need them, some small storage containers specifically for baby food are great. I still have my little bullet storage containers, and I have to admit, they are pretty darn cute with their little smiley face on them! You'll want to store in 2 oz portion sizes, and your purees are fine in the fridge for about 3-4 days.

4. A cookbook. Pick one, and don't look at anything else. I say this because you will find that everyone seems to have a differing opinion about what foods are acceptably when. It will just frustrate you, trust me. I like The Best Homemade Baby Food on the Planet because it was written by a nurse and a nutritionist, it has a wide variety of foods, and has a ton of information about nutrition! I've kind of become a nutrition junkie since starting this endeavor. The only thing that I have found that I don't really agree with is the use of spices, cinnamon specifically. I started adding cinnamon to Nora's oatmeal and fruit when she was about 8 months old, and she gobbles it up! They say no spices until a year.

Of course there are other things that you will need, such as a stove, pots and pans, a microwave, knives, vegetable peeler, cutting board...but I hope that you already have these things in your home!

Next time we'll get started, okay!?

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Making Your Baby's Meals: An Introduction

I've decided that there is way too much to tell you about making baby food to do in one post. So, therefore, this is going to be a series. My first series! I'm thinking 3 parts, not including the introduction. How does that sound?

So lets get to introducing!

The most important thing when deciding to make your baby's food (or any decision that you come to with your baby) is to know your WHY.

Why do you want to do this? There are jars and jars and pouches and boxes of ready made food just waiting for you to purchase, and truth be told, they would make your life much easier! Why bother with making it yourself? That is a question that you are going to have to answer before you dive in!

Why did I decide to make Nora's food? It's simple, really. I LOVE TO COOK! There aren't many things that I do well, but I can cook! And, I'm not really sure how to put this, I put myself into to what I cook. When I make a meal for Matt, it's more than just feeding the man, it's a way that I can show him how much I care for him! I wanted to do that for Nora. One of my favorite things in the world is taking her a spoonful of what I've just pureed, slipping it into her mouth, and seeing her little eyes light up! It doesn't always happen...the girl doesn't love some of the things that I was certain she would, and she likes zucchini for crying out loud! Who in their right mind likes zucchini?!

So that was my why. I had some other reasons, saving money, knowing what I was feeding my girl, being different (it haunts me, I tell you!).

What is your why?

Next time we'll talk about what you need, and what you don't really need!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Being a Graceful Wife (or at least trying to be!)

It was 7:00am, and I heard Nora stirring over the monitor. I groaned inwardly...I really need to go to bed earlier (I have this conversation with myself every day!). But, today was my day off. Matt and I had just been through 2 very busy weeks. We both went out of town, not together mind you, and I had managed Nora all by myself those two weeks. I needed a break! Matt's boss graciously gave him two days off to make up for the 2 straight weeks of work that he'd had, and Matt promised to get up with Nora on those 2 days to give me a break. I was so excited. This was day 2.

"Matt, sweetie, Nora is up." I said gently.

"Can you get her today, hon?" was his reply.

I didn't say a word. I was mad, pissed off really (excuse my language!) I silently got up, and went to get Nora. As I was changing her diaper, I prayed. This was my prayer:

"How could he do that Lord?! He PROMISED! What, is Nora my sole responsibility?! Am I a single mommy?!"

And I began thinking of ways that I could passively aggressively express my anger to Matt all day. Being cold. Sarcastic. Not saying much.

As I stood there silently fuming a word entered my head. Grace. Grace, Steph, give him some Grace. He's had a hard two weeks too. I sighed, agreeing with the Lord. Okay, Lord, Grace.

Matt came out the bedroom about an hour an a half later. He was refreshed.
"Thanks, Steph, I really needed that rest." I smiled at him and genuinely said, "You're welcome, honey." And we went on to have a fabulous day.

I once heard Andy Stanley say something to the effect of this: Give as much grace as you hope is given to you. So the question is: How much grace do I want Matt and Nora to give me? A LOT! I fail as a wife and mommy daily, hourly even! Sometimes harboring anger against your spouse or whomever, ends up hurting you more than it hurts them. I would venture to say most of the time! If I had not given Matt grace, we would have had a stinky day together, it just wasn't worth it!

How much grace do you want?

"And from His fullness we have received grace upon grace." John 1:16 ESV