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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Cloth Diapers

I'm often asked which brand of cloth diapers are my favorite. Not really. I totally lied about that. It's never happened. But, I want to write about it, and it's my blog, gosh darnit! I promise I'll follow up with something more interesting to those who are not interested in poop management. The truth is, I like different diapers for different things. I am so glad that I varied my stash when I was collecting diapers before Nora was born! Maybe I should start with why we chose to cloth diaper...and then get to the rest. Here were my reasons:

1. Save money. It can cost an average of around $2500 to diaper a child from birth to potty training. I spent right around $600 out of pocket, and I was so blessed to have a Cloth Diaper Shower. I registered on It was so easy!
2. Cloth diapered babies do not get diaper rash (very often).
3. Cloth diapered babies potty train faster (I'll let you know).
4. I like to be different (Matt made sure I added this one, it's true though).

And that's pretty much it. All of the above was completely based on months of extensive research before Nora was born, not practical application. Here we are 8 months into it, and it's really no big deal. Once you get your laundry routine down, you're money! {I've never used that phrase in my life, it seemed appropriate though} Matt was adamantly opposed, and under most circumstances I totally yield to his entire "head of household" thing. But, I think he figured out that I wasn't going to give in on this one, and believe it or not, he is so thankful that we cloth diaper! I might even get him to write about it! Alright, so this is becoming a little lengthy, so I'll leave it at that for today, and I'll come back with my favorites another time! I'll also be discussing in detail: poop management, overnight options, laundry detergent, hemp inserts and other things. It's exciting stuff, folks!


  1. Yay!! A blog!! I'm am so happy, even if your post is about cloth diapers! ;) Now I want to see pictures of Nora! Btw, I think you are super mom

  2. So excited you're blogging!! And on a subject so dear to my heart! :)

  3. Hey Steph!

    Glad to see you getting your 2 cents out there about the hiney care! We didn't cloth diaper, but I bet I would have as I like to be different too!

    Have fun with this's fun to let your mind ramble and connect at the same time!

    .mac :)

  4. yay and yay! glad you're blogging. also, i'd love to know which brands you use the most! i know you're using fuzzi's but wasn't sure what else. I have several different brands but am really keen on one in particular :)
